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17th March 2023

World Sleep Day - Sleep is essential for health

Good sleep is essential for health and well-being

Lit ISL ENG Stort

-Automatic translation

Sleep is necessary for all of us to cope with the challenges of daily life. Sleep has, among other things, a positive effect on the immune system, learning ability, and concentration. Also, good sleep contributes to good memory and is necessary for the growth and development of children. International Sleep Day is today March 17, the purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the importance of sleep for health with the theme "Sleep Is Essential for Health". Sleep is one of the foundations of mental and physical health, along with good nutrition and exercise, and thus contributes to well-being. More information about World Sleep Day can be found at

Icelander's sleep

Sleep needs can vary, but it is recommended that adults sleep 7 to 9 hours a night and children more, but this can be seen in more detail in a table on desired sleep time by age (Icelandic). Waking up feeling rested in the morning is the best measure of whether you have slept enough. According to the results of monthly monitoring of some of the main determinants of health and well-being in 2022, about 27% of adult Icelanders, aged 18 and over, sleep an average of 6 hours or less per night and do therefore not reach the recommended amount of sleep.

Children's sleep needs vary by age. The preferred sleep time for children aged 6-13 is 9-11 hours. For young people aged 14-17, it is recommended to sleep 8-10 hours. Results from the Icelandic Youth Study in 2022 conducted by the Institute of Educational Sciences of the University of Iceland show that about a quarter of children in the 6th grade do not reach the recommended amount of sleep on weekdays. The percentage is much higher among students in the 10th grade, but about half of them do not reach the recommended amount of sleep on weekdays. 

Tips that can promote better sleep

It is good to keep the following in mind to promote good sleep:

  • Routine is very helpful. The most important thing is to go to bed at the same time at night and get up at the same time every morning, also on weekends.

  • Exercise leads to well-being and better sleep. It's good to exercise regularly, but exercising with great intensity late at night can have a bad effect on your night's sleep.

  • Calmness in the evening helps stabilize sleep. Dim lighting and cool temperatures are also desirable in the bedroom at night.

  • Caffeine disturbs sleep and it should be consumed moderately and not after 2 o'clock in the day.

  • Alcohol has a negative effect on the quality of sleep. Some people believe that alcohol helps to fall asleep, but it interferes with the quality of sleep.

  • Display of screen devices right before bed can affect the quality of sleep. It is preferable to skip display devices approximately an hour before bed.

  • Meditation, mindfulness, or reading books before sleep make it easier for many people to fall asleep and have a good night's sleep.

See more recommendations that promote better sleep (Icelandic)

Since the fall of 2021, the Directorate of Health, in collaboration with several organizations, has been raising awareness about the importance of sleep. Emphasis has been placed on motivation and facts and advice regarding sleep have been made visible on social media. People have been encouraged to prioritize sleep and thus contribute to better well-being.

More information about sleep and rest can be found on the website of the Directorate of Health and at Heilsuvera (Icelandic).