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24th June 2024

All students will have guaranteed places in secondary schools

A total of 4,677 applications for places in secondary schools in Iceland were received in the autumn of 2024, but enrollment has now been completed. It is nice to report that all new students from elementary schools who applied have been admitted. All applications for vocational studies could therefore be accepted, but in recent years a large part of the students has had to be turned away due to lack of facilities and teachers.

enrollment picture of hands

The Ministry of Education and Children, the Directorate od Education and School Services and secondary schools have placed the main emphasis on bringing all new students from primary schools to the school during the autumn semester. The secondary schools have been working on increasing their curriculum to accommodate a diverse student population, such as increasing the number of students in vocational studies, in vocational studies or with a diverse linguistic and cultural background.

“With the cooperation of the secondary schools and the Centre for Education and School Services, we have managed to enroll all new students under the age of 18 in secondary school. This is a major milestone and I would like to thank our dedicated school staff for responding to this call. It is a particular pleasure to see that our school system can take all new students to vocational training, which has been one of the government’s policies,” says Minister of Education and Children’s Affairs, Ásmundur Einar Daðason.

84.5% of students are admitted to the school they applied for as their first choice, while 11.8% are given places in the school they chose as their second choice. There are always some students who are not admitted to another school, but are then given places in the third school. This year, 3.7% of applicants.

The division between vocational studies and studying in literature is similar to the previous years, but a total of 17.6% of students will enroll in vocational studies next autumn. Most applications were received by Technical College, but the total number of applications per school, along with the allocated places, can be seen in the annex.