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7th October 2024

Activity figures for January - September 2024

Fewer check-ins and a decrease in the number of tourists who visit SAk.

Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir CEO - landscape
  • The number of stays between January and September was 19,187, a decrease of 15% from last year, while the number of patients requiring hospitalisation is down 11%. The number of stays is the shortest, with the average number of stays in all wards now 4.4 days, compared to 4.6 in 2020.

  • Most of the patients are admitted to the emergency units, which accounts for approximately 77.1% of the total admittance.

  • On average, about ten patients are admitted at any given time, who are already treated and are waiting for rehabilitation or placement in a nursing home.

  • Looking at the occupancy of the wards, the internal medicine ward has 87.5% occupancy and the surgical ward has over 80%. The occupancy is lower in all wards in SAk and one of the reasons is the same as above that discharges occur earlier than before and the occupancy is better but also there are less admissions. The psychiatric ward has had half of the beds closed in the past two months because of work on the rehabilitation of the psychiatric ward.

Table 1 with activity figures January - September 2024
  • Over 8,800 people have received services in the outpatient ward, 1,724 of whom have been receiving cancer medication, compared to 1,651 at the same time last year, and the number of people receiving these services is constantly increasing.

  • In the emergency units, the number of communication is the same as last year, at 13,473 compared to 13,639 at the same time last year (see the list of communication to the emergency units from January to September each year). The waiting time for a doctor in the ER is now about 45 minutes, but our criteria is about a 40-minute wait for a doctor.

Table 2 with activity figures January - September 2024
  • The number of surgeries between January and September totaled 1,761, which is slightly less than in the year before, when 1,940 surgeries were performed over the same period. Over 34% of surgeries were emergency surgeries and 221 were artificial joint surgery, compared to 246 artificial joint surgeries in the year before.

  • The number of medical imaging examinations (without mammograms) was over 30,100, making it an average of about 110 examinations per day, which is comparable to the previous studies.

  • The number of researches in the clinical laboratory has decreased in the past few years (see chart) but the number of research studies in the physiology department is comparable to the past few years.

Table 3 with activity figures January - September 2024
  • This year, 293 children were born, compared to 307 children born at the same time last year.

  • There is a significant decrease in arrivals and admissions of non-insured persons compared to the same period last year. The ER has treated over 600 non-insured persons and 94 have been admitted to the wards of SAk, whereas in the previous year 107 individuals had been admitted and about 680 people had been to the ER. This is a 13% decrease.