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2nd February 2023

Activity figures for January 2023

Monthly activity figures for the hospital are published and more detailed information can be found in an attached document.

Starfsemistölur fyrir janúar 2023, fréttamynd

The main activity figures show that the number of days of stay in January 2023 is 2689, with an average number of 4.7. Most of the patients were admitted to emergency room care but the hospital admissions account for nearly 76% of the total admissions. On average 6.7 patients are admitted at any given time and are awaiting rehabilitation or placement in a nursing home. bed occupancy at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery is over 93.1% in January.

More than 2186 individuals have received outpatient services, 198 of them for cancer medication. Attendance at day centres is 566. The emergency department and outpatient department have searched 1379 people compared to 1100 at the same time last year. The waiting time to see a doctor in the emergency department is about 39 minutes, which is just within the criteria we set. In January, there were 212 surgical operations, fewer than planned, as operations due to strain and shortage of people were reduced. Roughly 1/4 of the operations are emergency in January. 34 total arthroplasty surgeries have been performed to date. The number of studies in the whole of 2022 was over 333000, of which 41,500 were PCR studies.

The number of imaging studies (without mammograms) was nearly 2400, on average, making it about 76.6 studies per day. In January, 27 babies were born compared to 39 babies at the same time last year. There is some activity on the part of the non-health-insured that arrives outside the summer holidays, but there has been a sharp increase in recent years. In January, four uninsured individuals have been admitted to SAk.