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21st June 2024

Referrals of children to specialist doctors

On 1 June, two changes to the regulations on children referrals and payment participation took effect.

The regulations in question are number and.

The main changes made are:

  • Emergency and shift services for paediatricians, gynecologists and eye doctors will be free for children and thus referrals are not needed. There is still a need for referrals for children (under 18) to other specialist doctors.

  • A specialist doctor who has been referred by a GP or primary care physician can now refer a child to another specialist doctor if he or she believes that they need other kinds of specialist services.

  • There is no need for referral to a GP for diagnostic imaging and laboratory services.

  • The hospital doctor can now refer a child to a specialist doctor.

  • References for children with chronic diseases or disabilities may be issued for a period of 18 years (instead of 10 years at a time).

It is appropriate to mention the importance of primary health care, which is intended to be the first stop in the healthcare system and provide all general health care as well as to guide where to go when more specialised services are needed, and the current health policy.