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18th June 2024

Future priorities and projects

The organisational changes were presented to employees at Iceland Health employee meeting this morning and they will take effect immediately.

Sjúkratryggingar lógó

The main purpose of the new structure is to ensure clearer demarcation of projects. The number of areas will increase, while the number of organizational units will decrease from 16 to ten. Managers will be better able to be available for staff and work within each unit will be more focused. The scope for improvements and innovation within individual areas will be increased and the size of organizational units will be balanced. Communication channels will be shortened, which will make information sharing, decision-making and implementation more efficient. The focus will be on team work

In these changes, the title of some employees will change and two positions of managers will be advertised in August, that is the job of the division manager of healthcare and the service manager

The new chart of Iceland Health can be seen here: