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28th August 2023

Login with IceKey will be cancelled

From October 1st 2023, the older login supporting the sponsored IceKey will be closed in the portals of Iceland Health. A change was first announced in February 2023.

From now on, you can only log on with an electronic ID. This is part of the process of introducing a new registration system on“ Login for All“ and fully supporting the "Entrustment system" on Í You can log on with an electronic identification in the Authentication Card, mobile phone and card.

With this, the security of personal information is better guaranteed. The use of an IceKey has decreased significantly and is today under 0.6% of logins in Réttindagátt and 1.2% in Gagnagátt.

Currently, individuals can activate the electronic ID anywhere in the world in the Authentication app. It is an easy, convenient and secure way to identify yourself with and perform qualified electronic signatures. The app is free and can be used anywhere in the world, independently of telephone companies on both Icelandic and foreign mobile telephone numbers.

Further information is available here: