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2nd September 2024

17 September Educational meeting on old-age pensions

TR is offering a seminar about old-age pensions on Tuesday 17 September, 16.00 – 18.00 at Hlíðasmára 11. The meeting will discuss all matters related to applications for pensions from TR, payment arrangements and more.


Unnur Kristín Sigurgeirsdóttir, senior management at TR, will introduce the application process and the framework for old age pensions at TR. At the meeting we will present a good roadmap for those who are considering retirement. It doesn´t need to be complicated, so it´s ideal to come and find out more about the matter.

We encourage all those who feel they need information about the social security pension scheme to attend. If you are interested please sign up here.

The meeting will provide a good opportunity to ask questions and get good information about old age pensions.

A recording of the introduction will be available at our web.

We look forward to see you.