Interactive Dashboards
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Statistics on public health and the activities of health services are available in interactive dashboards. The dashboards are based on data from health registers and surveys.
Public Health
The Public Health Watch - Monitoring of selected health determinants
Public Health Indicators - All Public Health Indicators by health district
Smoking – Smoking habits by sex and age
Prescription medicines
The use of pharmaceuticals - Prescriptions by ATC category, gender and age
The use of ADHD prescription medicines - Prescriptions by ATC category, gender, age, health district and quarter
The use of antidepressant prescription medicines – Prescriptions by ATC category, gender, age health district and quarter.
The use of opioid prescription medicines - Prescriptions by ATC category, gender, age, health district and quarter
The use of antibiotics outside hospitals - Prescriptions by ATC category, gender, age, health district and quarter
Causes of death
Mortality and causes of death – By gender and age
Excess mortality and COVID-19 mortality – Mortality, excess mortality, and COVID-19 mortality by period and age
Suicide - The suicide rate by gender and age
Drug-related deaths - The frequency of drug-related deaths by gender and age
Healthcare Professionals
Health Workforce in Iceland - Number of licences, number of issued licences, number of practising and graduates.
Health Services
Key Healthcare Performance Indicators - Selected key indicators that show Iceland's performance and comparison with the Nordic countries
Hospital Discharge Statistics - Discharges, bed days and average length of stay
Primary Health Care - Number and frequency of health care communications by location, type of communication, age, and gender
Waiting for surgery - The number waiting for selected and performed surgical procedures. Updated twice a year
Knee and hip replacement surgery - The number of people waiting for knee or hip replacement surgeries and the number of completed surgical procedures. Updated monthly
Waiting for nursing homes - The number waiting for nursing homes, the number who moved, waiting time and the number of nursing homes
Quality of care in nursing homes - InterRAI quality indicators by nursing home, health district, period, and gender
Children's dental health - Children in active dental supervision and dental fillings by health district and age
Serious unforeseen incidents in the health services - The number of incidents and status of processing
Complaints about health services - The number of complaints and status of processing
Cancer Screening - Participation in breast and cervical cancer screening
Operation of health services - The number of notification/applications and status of processing
Infection Prevention
Annual incidence of infectious Diseases - The number and frequency of selected infectious diseases monitored by the Chief Epidemiologist based on background variables (Updated annually)
Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and chlamydia – Number and frequency of diagnoses by gender and age (Updated quarterly)
Respiratory tract infections - COVID-19, influenza, RS-virus and more. Weekly surveillance (Updated every 1-2 weeks during the winter season)
Participation in childhood vaccinations - Percentage (updated annually)
Service provider
Directorate of Health