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Equality in the labour market

According to legislation on the equal position and equal rights of men and women, any form of gender discrimination in the workplace is prohibited.

Gender equality in the labour market

Men and women who work for the same employer shall be paid equal wages, and shall enjoy the same terms for the same or equally valuable work. The same applies for promotions, continuous training, terminations and other working conditions.

Any person who believes that their rights are being violated, e.g. on recruitment to a job or as regards wages, may consult with the Centre for Gender Equality (Jafnréttisstofa) and seek advice.

Those who consider that their rights, pursuant to the provisions of the Equality Act, are being violated may refer the matter to the Equal Rights Complaints Committee.

Companies and public bodies with more than 25 employees should establish equal opportunities policies and operate in accordance with such policies.

Employers and trade unions must, by law, work systematically toward promoting gender equality in the labour market. Particular focus shall be on gender equality in management and positions of influence.

Employers shall employ the necessary measures to enable men and women to balance their job responsibilities and familial responsibilities, among other things, by increasing flexibility in the organisation of work and working hours.

Laws and regulations