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Education and employment

By law, disabled people have the right to education with appropriate support at all stages of education. They also have the right to guidance and assistance in finding suitable employment.


Disabled children are entitled to nursery school attendance and primary schooling in the municipality in which they have legal residence. Study should take place with support services. There is a special school for disabled children of elementary school age, in the Reykjavik area.

Disabled students in secondary schools shall, according to the law, have access to specialist assistance. Many secondary schools have special departments, vocational study programmes, and other courses specifically designed.

Fjölmennt, a continuing education and knowledge centre, provides various courses for disabled people and provides advice on other studies in collaboration with Mímir continuing education.

The University of Iceland offers a vocational diploma program in development therapy. Enrolment is every other year.

The disabled have access to a variety of training and education opportunities in order to increase their quality of life and general life skills. These include training, vocational training, university education, continuing education, retraining and distance learning.


The Organisation of the Disabled in Iceland, together with interest groups, associations and local authorities, provide advice and information relating to the education and employment available to the disabled.

Employment with the support of the Directorate of Labour is a means to employment for those who need help with getting a job in the private sector.

Laws and regulations