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Consumer advice

Consumers have access to various sorts of advice and assistance from a number of sources.

Who does what?

What's the difference between the Consumer Agency and the Consumer Association?

The Consumer Agency is a governmental agency that monitors price marking, supervises advertising, consumer and real estate loans, package tours, consumer contracts, etc. The agency is responsible for receiving information if companies or professionals do not fulfil their obligations in accordance with the laws the agency is meant to enforce.

The Consumers' Association is an open association that works toward supporting a set of consumer-advocacy matters. These matters are determined independently by the organization and are not governed by any legislation. The association also operates a counselling and complaints service which is open to both members and non-members.

Consumer Advice

The Icelandic Automobile Association offers its members information, guidance and assistance in automobile ownership, buying and selling automobiles and maintenance.

The Financial Supervisory Authority regulates financial and insurance companies, and provides consumers with guidance about the resources available to them in claiming their rights, including what entities handle appeals and have judicial powers when it comes to consumer matters.

Renting helpline. The Consumers’ Association (Neytendasamtökin) operates the Renting Helpline under an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs. This service is open to all who let or rent premises (landlords and tenants), and is free. The Renting Helpline phone desk is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10.00 -12.00 & 12:30-15:00. You can send a question here

Associaton of house and property owners offers its members information on home ownership, operating a household and renting housing out.

The Housing and Construction Authority (HMS). Information on complaints committees for multi-family buildings and tenancy issues and free advice for people with housing and payment difficulties. It also oversees product safety and meter validation.

Housing Financing Fund offers information on the Housing Affairs Complaint Committee for apartment complexes and rental matters as free counselling for people with financial problems and housing issues.

Lífsvog is an organisation against medical malpractice.
Sóltún 20, 105 Reykjavík, Tel. +354 552 3737
Open Wednesday, 13-16, telephone hours 13:00-14:00.

Orator Legal Assistance is a service organised by law students offering free legal advice.
Operations begin in September every year and run until mid-April, except for December when law students take their departmental exams.

Legal aid watch offers free legal advice to the public.

Lögrétta is a free consultation for the law students' association at Reykjavík University. Legal aid is available from September to May, except for exam periods. The tax day is also held there, where the public can get help with the preparation of tax returns.

Icelandic Food and Veternary Authority regulates food safety. This includes increasing food safety around animal by-products and agricultural health.

Sanitary control of municipalities receives complaints about food-safety conditions, product labelling, conduct in public spaces, noise pollution and negligence in maintaining neighbourhood property. Contact your the local office in your municipality for more information.

Data Protection Authority monitors the enforcement of personal privacy laws. Consumers who believe their private and personal information has been mishandled can bring the matter to the Office of Data Protection, which will adjudicate on the matter.

The Electronic Communications Office of Iceland receives complaints from consumers who believe that telecommunication companies and postal services have neglected their obligations. It is also charged with regulating terms and conditions for service providers and prices for universal service.

The Debtors´Ombudsman offers free counselling for people with serious financial problems who have run out of money.

Ré is storehouse of law reports, international agreements and decisions handed down from international courts. An official, public collection from the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The Icelandic Competition Authority is meant to support an actively competitive business environment by working against inappropriate obstacles and limitations to free enterprise, working against detrimental monopolies and competition restrictions, and increasing new competitors' access to the market.

The Althing ombudsman monitors the administrative activities of the state and its municipalities.

Laws and regulations