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Assessment of your skills - WHODAS

Assessment of skills is a standardized assessment tool to assess the need of older people for home care. Assessment of skills is the self-assessment of individuals or their relatives.

The assessment tool is part of a changed approach in services to older people in Iceland, Gott ot eldastir.

This questionnaire asks about your skills in activities of daily living and any difficulties that may be attributable to your health condition. Health problems include diseases, illnesses, short-term or long-term ill health, injuries, mental and emotional problems and problems related to alcohol or drug use.

The default is “not hard“, which means your skills are intact. Missing answers will affect the result.

As you answer the questions, think about the last 30 days and how difficult you found the following activities.

Mark one option for each question.

Step 1 of 6

Understanding and communicating

In the past 30 days, how much difficulty did you have in:

Concentrating on doing something for ten minutes?

Remembering to do important things, for example, taking medicine on time?

Analysing and finding solutions to problems in day-to-day life?

Learning a new task, for example, figuring out how to get to a place you haven't been before?

Generally understanding what people say?

Starting and maintaining a conversation?