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14th November 2023

World Diabetes Day is today

November 14 every year is World Diabetes Day. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels because the body cannot process the sugar adequately.

Sykursýki 1

At the Akureyri Hospital, people with diabetes who meet certain conditions are cared for in the endocrinology department. Those clients come for interviews every 3 – 6 months where the treatment and its results are reviewed, support and education provided as appropriate. Every year there is a larger inspection where certain risk factors are screened. Clients are also followed up with phone calls or emails as appropriate.

The staff at the endocrinology clinic work closely with companies that manufacture and sell glucose sensors and insulin pumps. It helps clients install these devices and provides education and counseling for inpatient clients together with the staff of SAk and other health institutions.