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28th November 2023

Women's experiences of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes and their knowledge of the importance of postpartum follow-up: A qualitative study

Emilía Fönn Andradóttir, a nurse at SAk's endocrinology clinic, recently had an article published in the Journal of Icelandic Nurses.

Emilíana Fönn Andradóttir - SAk

The article is part of Emilia's master's project at the University of Iceland. The co-authors are Þóra Jenný Gunnarsdóttir, professor of nursing at HÍ, Elísabet Konráðsdóttir, specialist in pediatric diabetes at LSH, Rafn Benediktsson, professor and chief physician of endocrinology at LSH, and Helga Jónsdóttir, professor of nursing and director of nursing for chronically ill adults at LSH.

What surprised you the most when doing the research?

How much service/follow-up is needed for this group of women, especially after childbirth.

How will the results be useful in the health system?

I hope that the results of this study will encourage an increase in services for women with gestational diabetes, both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

What's next on your agenda?

Next on the agenda is to continue my work at SAk's endocrinology clinic and complete my specialist qualification in nursing. However, I do not want to continue with my research and even develop a procedure for the monitoring of women diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

The article can be accessed here (page 59) (Icelandic only):

Journal of Icelandic nurses - header