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30th January 2024

What do health information managers do?

About 30 health information managers work at the Akureyri Hospital. Previously, the job title was medical secretary, but in recent decades, the job has changed with internetization and also due to the introduction of digital systems for medical records, information recording and document management. In order to obtain a license as a health information manager from The Directorate of Health, you must complete a basic diploma at university level.

Veronika Rut Hjartardóttir, health information manager

Health information managers have a great deal of expertise in the law regarding document management, personal information and information security, patient and staff rights as well as international quality standards. Without doubt health information managers are the backbone of the health system.

“Our most specialized knowledge and skills are in the coding and classification of diseases, symptoms and conditions and associated procedures and treatments. All of this is coded according to certain international standards and classification systems where each disease, symptom, disorder, procedure and treatment has its own code within the classification system. These codes mean that diagnoses are according to an international standard and are the same between institutions," says Veronika Rut Hjartardóttir, chairperson of the Association of Health Information Managers and a working health information manager in the medical imaging departement of SAk.

Health information managers at SAk work across all wards and departments, but all belong to the Center for Health Information Managers (formerly the Center for Medical Secretaries). Health information managers played a key role in the implementation of DRG – service-based funding that began in early 2020. According to the definition of DRG, registrations, diagnoses and / or treatments must be recorded according to DRG category in the medical record. For discharges from inpatient wards and all visits to day, outpatient and emergency wards, the above must be present and based on the patient's medical condition and the treatment provided. Since its introduction, the bar has been raised in terms of these registrations and coding. For clarity, we can mention 350 unfinished bearings in 2021, which went down to 24 in 2022.

The work of health information managers will certainly evolve a lot in the coming years, but the importance of this profession within the health system is indisputable. Health information managers will continue to play a key role regarding the maintenance of health data, the organization of teaching other health professions in the use of electronic medical record systems, as well as bringing more projects related to data processing and storage to a good start in the future.

Name: Veronika Rut Hjartardóttir

Job title: Health information manager

Year of birth: 1990

Where are you from: Akureyri

Education: Filmmaker, media analyst and health information manager

How long have you worked at SAk: Almost 3 years

Interests: Arts, social issues, good books, movies and tv-shows

What were you in a previous life: A plant that lived in sunlight in the summer and went dormant in the winter

Fun fact: I have a 10cm plate and 8 screws in my ankle after a fracture and surgery in Cambodia

What does a typical working day look like for you at SAk: Filling out forms in Saga, processing answers in RIS, certificates, delivery of medical materials outside the institution in accordance with the law, communication with patients / insurance institutions / law firms, appointment bookings, ophthalmologists, dictation writing, HNE doctors, communication of referrals and requests, management of waiting lists at ophthalmologists, coding of relevant forms, maintenance of relevant documents, communication with doctors, radiologists and incidental staff of departments and other incidentals.

What's the most fun at work: The camaraderie

What is most challenging at work: The workload

If you could change anything at work, what would it be: Promote education for all levels, find ways to ease workload

Anything in conclusion? Philosophy of life? Pee before the nail polish goes on your nails.

Available jobs for health information managers (only in icelandic):