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24th May 2024

Want to use the opportunities to secure essential services

CEO of SAk Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir would like to define the role of SAk more clearly as a secondary hospital for LSH.

Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir at the 2024 annual meeting

The annual meeting of the Akureyri Hospital took place today. The title of the meeting was We at SAk with reference to the important human resources that work at the hospital.

As the flight of the Minister of Health Willum Þór Þórsson was cancelled, CEO of SAk Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir first took the podium with an address, where she looked back at the challenges that 2023 brought: “The great work that has been done here has strengthened the hospital as an important healthcare institution in the country, but the hospital’s operations need to continue to be safeguarded by following developments in the various specialized professions. The challenges remain to achieve a balanced staffing of specialized healthcare professions and especially in the various specialized professions so that the necessary services can be provided and the goals set out in the government’s health policy and the law on healthcare can be followed. We welcome the progress that has been made and will strive to do even better in the coming term, with the safety and well-being of staff and patients as our guiding light.

It is important to use the opportunities to ensure necessary services in our community, but we also need to better define our role as a hospital and a spare hospital for Landspítali with regard to the right funding, because we believe that the Akureyri Hospital has the potential to be a progressive institution and at the forefront of its field, all the country’s citizens benefit.”

Annual report, campaigns and incentive awards

Next, Finance Director Guðbjartur Ellert Jónsson reviewed the 2023 financial statements, and then Head of Human Resources Division Kristjana Kristjánsdóttir introduced the project Join us!, which aims to promote the image of SAk in order to try to get more staff in the staff of SAk.

The motivational prize was presented in a new format and staff members were able to nominate five different categories of awards for their colleagues.

The winners of the Encouragement Award are:

  • Director of infection prevention in the security category, Rut Guðbrandsdóttir.

  • Birgitta Níelsdóttir, a midwife in the party security.

  • Stefán Helgi Garðarsson team leader of the technical department in the category of cooperation.

  • Barbara Arna Hjálmarsdóttir, health data analyst in the categories of progressiveness and professionalism.

  • Karl Ólafur Hinriksson, team manager of housekeeping in the party Our workplace.

Chairman of the Hollvinasamtök SAk Jóhannes Bjarnason reviewed the generous donations the association has made to the hospital, which in 2023 had a value of ISK 65 million.

It was time to honor the departing employees of SAk and this time it was ten people who keep alive new adventures in the best years.

  • Auður Helga Hjaltadóttir - Office of Finance

  • Björg Brynjólfsdóttir - Research Unit

  • Bryndís Reynisdóttir - Emergency department

  • Elísabet Gestsdóttir - warehouse

  • Fanney Friðriksdóttir - Department of Pharmacy

  • Guðrún Bjarney Leifsdóttir - Research Unit

  • Hjördís Gunnarsdóttir - Research Unit

  • Margrét Sigtryggsdóttir - Start-up centre

  • María Þórðardóttir - Start-up centre

  • Vinbjörg Ásta Guðlaugsdóttir - physiotherapy

Signing postponed

As the minister did not attend the meeting, nothing came of the signing of the contract for the design of SAk’s new building. Instead, the Director of NLSH, Gunnar Svavarsson, went over the circumstances of the case and told us about the work behind the preparation of the tender.

After the meeting Helgi Þór Leifsson, Director of Clinical Services and the meeting leader invited guests to the hallway to accept refreshments and check out the new connecting port. There is a new and improved military center, along with technically completed meeting rooms and work facilities.