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15th November 2023

Two new CT scanners at the SAk's medical imaging department

A big step forward for the safety of patients in the SAk's area.

Elvar Örn Birgisson

The installation of two new computed tomography (CT) machines is being completed at the medical imaging department of the Akureyri Hospital. Major housing changes were made to accommodate the devices, but the installation of the first device was completed this spring, and the installation of the second device will be completed in November. Until now, there has only been one CT scanner at SAk, and in cases of failure it was a big effort to get maintenance.

A CT scanner is essential equipment, e.g. in the case of serious accidents, and it is therefore a big safety issue to ensure that CT imaging equipment is always available. By having two CT scanners at SAk's disposal, security in the area of the Akureyri Hospital will increase significantly.

Preparation and tender work has been going on for about two years, and other health institutions in the countryside were invited to participate. The offer is for a total of up to 8 CT scanners and 5 devices have already been ordered - of which these two are for SAk. "It is a significant strength that the devices in other parts of the country will be of the same quality and the same type as in larger institutions. The devices are from GE (General Electric) and the agent in Iceland is Healthco/Fastus," says Elvar Örn Birgisson, head radiologist at the medical imaging department.

These new devices at SAk and related equipment will increase diagnostic capabilities, lead to the adoption of new research methods and ensure better access. "The devices are equipped with the latest technology available, for example the larger device here at SAk is much more powerful than older devices, it is also faster, equipped with artificial intelligence that is constantly developing, has a larger aperture, twice as wide an image sensor as well as doubling research become possible to name a few. We are very happy to be able to offer an even better and safer service than before here at SAk," concludes Elvar Örn.

New CT scanner 2023