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6th March 2024

Travelling with the ‘travel agency’ on your back

On the European Day of Speech Training: Ingunn Högnadóttir is a speech pathologist at SAk

Ingunn Högnadóttir speech pathologist

Today is European Day of Speech Training and the day is designed to raise awareness of the diverse work of speech pathologists. Ingunn Högnadóttir is a practicing speech pathologist at SAk: “Although I’m alone, I’m far from lonley, thanks to my wonderful colleagues.”

Ingunn is actively involved in multidisciplinary team work in the rehabilitation and geriatrics ward, as well as being a member of SAk’s nutrition team. In addition, she works in a strong and good collaboration with nurses and paramedics, radiologists, doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, kitchen staff and other staff in different departments of the hospital. “I am very committed to good collaboration and teamwork is the basis for providing the best possible service to clients,” Ingunn says.

Speech therapists work on the diagnosis and intervention of speech and speech impediments, as well as dysphagia. Speech and dysphagia are important aspects of people's lives and are important for our physical and psychosocial health. The theme of this year's European Day of Speech Training is teamwork, which highlights the importance of the cooperation of speech therapists with other professions, whether within the school system, healthcare or elsewhere in society.

“I’m based in Kristness, but I am often seen walking the corridors at Eyrarlandsholt with my ‘travelling office’ on my back. Then I’m am taking care of requests from different departments of the hospital,” says Ingunn.

Ingunn’s work includes diagnosis and treatment of dysphonia or dysphagia following stroke, X-ray examinations of dysphagia, training in alternative communication methods, etc. “Counseling is a major part of the speech therapist’s work and good communication with other professions, family members and clients is therefore particularly important,” concludes Ingunn.

We congratulate all speech pathologists on their day!

Further information about the work of speech therapists can be found on the website of the Association of Speech Therapists in Iceland

Name: Ingunn Högnadóttir.

Position: Speech pathologist.

Year of birth: 1982.

Where are you from: From the countryside.

Education: Speech Pathology MSc from the University of Iceland.

How long have you worked at SAk? I moved from Grensásdeild north to Kristnes almost 8 years ago.

Interests: Body and mind health, outdoor activities, travel, family, books, flowers and plant cultivation, general stuff, bras and executions.

What was your previous life: There is only one life - let’s enjoy it.

A shocking fact: I am a speech pathologist by accident. I was filling out an application for a Masters degree in language technology (now speech therapy) when I looked in the next line above and decided to study it.

How does your typical workday look at SAk: I’ll be at Kristnes - get a cup of coffee and see if I have new requests. Then I’ll have speech therapy at Kristnes before noon - and usually some analysis, advice, research or follow-up at Eyrarlandsholt after noon.

What’s fun at work: When it’s a good idea to help people and improve their quality of life - and then of course the teamwork and the teamwork!