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9th October 2023

The follow up on improvements in the running of Reykjadalur summer camp is completed

On 1 June 2023, the Quality and Supervisory Agency of Welfare published a report following the report of a serious incident at the summer camp in Reykjadalur. The follow-up of GEV on the work process of the summer camp has now been completed.


On June 1st, the Quality and Supervisory Agency of Welfare issued a report following an investigation into a serious unexpected incident that took place at the Reykjadalur summer camp in August 2022. The report made proposals for improvements in the operations of Reykjadalur, with the aim of improving the quality of the operations and the safety of visitors to the summer camps, and preventing similar incidents from taking place.

The Quality and Supervisory Agency of Welfare decided to follow up the publication of the report with an initiative monitoring. The aim of this project was to ensure that the necessary improvements in the work processes of the summer camps in Reykjadalur, which involved procedures, training and staffing, were implemented, thereby improving the quality of service and the safety of future guests.

The conclusion of the study by the Quality and Supervisory Agency of Welfare is that the SLF and Reykjadalur have satisfactorily worked on the improvements that the agency set out in a report dated 1 June 2023. A GEV result is that:

  • The number of employees at the summer camps today takes into account the weight of care of the guests. The change in operations is welcomed by GEV, as each employee now handles fewer children than before and it is the belief that it reduces the workload of staff, improves the quality of the service provided at the summer camp and improves the safety of the children who stay there.

  • Clear procedures are in place at present, including on initial responses, which staff are required to use when there is a suspicion of sexual violence. Regular relevant education and training in the application of these procedures will be provided to the personnel and managers of Reykjadalur. Furthermore, these are available through the employee handbook, which the staff receives a copy of, and on the Reykjadalur homepage.

The Quality and Supervisory Agency of Welfare has thus completed its initiative monitoring, follow-up and involvement in the matter.