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28th October 2023

The conference and the workshop Look, find, use!

The conference and workshop See, find, use! (See it, Find it, Use it) to support sight for students with additional disabilities will be held in the building of Blindrafélagið on the 2nd floor from 27 - 28 October 2023. The conference is a collaboration between Blindrafélagið, Sjónstöðin and Positive eye UK.


Who is the conference for? Everyone! Everyone who is interested in sight and visual processing, such as parents, special education teachers, developmental coaches, etc. professionals interested in learning more about the importance of sight and visual processing.

The knowledge of sight or visual processing is not required. Please note that the language of the conference is English.

Visual aspects are not always given enough attention in children with disabilities. This conference will introduce methods that are specifically designed to meet the needs of children with visual impairment as well as other disabilities. These methods are simple and accessible, and are useful for people who work with children with multiple disabilities where there is often a lack of vision and visual processing. The conference and workshops will encourage participants to find their own ways and develop methods that are suitable for different situations. These methods can also be used to monitor the progress of children's visual development.

Most people do not realize that we use the visual organs most of our life, but 70–80% of our sensory processes are done through the visual organs. It is therefore important to know if and how children with special needs are using their visual organs and how to achieve greater activity and participation in play and learning.

The price of the conference is £200 or over £35,000 (based on today's exchange rate). Please note that you will not be asked for a payment until the deadline, but it is important to know the number of participants and therefore registration is necessary. We also remind you that trade unions sponsor professional courses.

Registration is made via the e-mail address and the following information must be provided:

  • Name

  • ID

  • Workplace

  • Position / profession

  • Phone and e-mail address