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23rd August 2024

The agenda of the Scientific Day of the Institute of Health at HA and SAk published

The day is held for the 15th time on Thursday 19 September in the meeting room Kjarni on the new connection connector of SAk and will be streamed.

SAk and HHA Science Day 2024

The program is very ambitious, as scientific work within SAk has grown in the last few years. This year’s honorary honorary plaque is held by Dr. Árún K. Sigurðardóttir, a professor of nursing at the University of Akureyri and an expert in diabetes and chronic diseases.

The agenda includes many topics such as the development of the body weight of pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy in North Iceland in 2004-2022, the health of primary school children in Akureyri, health-related quality of life for adult patients with venous toxicity and the use of psychotropic drugs in pregnancy. Afternoon will focus on artificial intelligence in science and work, as well as research on stress, burnout and coping strategies for nurses in healthcare and hospitals, breathing measurements in Icelandic healthcare centres and quality of calls by medical-equipped air ambulance from Akureyri. There will also be a good opportunity for discussion and talk about the top issues in scientific work at SAk.

"Science Day is always festive and a sort of harvest festival. We are very much looking forward to seeing and hearing the results of our scientific staff who work diligently on research in parallel with clinical work," says Laufey Hrólfsdóttir, head of the Department of Education and Science.