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17th October 2023

SAk's participation at Hjúkrun 2023

Hjúkrun 2023 - The Nursing conference - took place at the end of September at the Hilton Reykjavík Nordica. The conference was organized by the Association of Icelandic Nurses in collaboration with the University of Iceland, the University of Akureyri, Landspítali and the health care centers of the capital region.

Nurce with heart

SAk staff actively participated in the program and the following presented their projects:

  • Þórhalla Sigurðardóttir - Simulation teaching - psychiatric nursing II - presentation of a development project in the teaching of nurses in postgraduate studies in psychiatric nursing - the use of actors in simulation teaching and students' satisfaction with simulation teaching.

  • Valdís Ösp Jónsdóttir - "They helped me at the most difficult time of my life." The experiences of victims of sexual violence with the services of the emergency reception of the Hospital in Akureyri.

  • Snæbjörn Ómar Guðjónsson - The importance of families in nursing. Attitudes of nurses at the Hospital in Akureyri.

  • Sandra Ásgrímsdóttir - Nutritional status of older people in Akureyri and the surrounding area.

SAk's participants at Hjúkrun 2023

"Participating in conferences is very beneficial for all professionals as it brings together professionals, industry experts and leaders in the field. At events like this, there is a good opportunity to develop professionally, follow the results of research as well as the latest trends and trends in treatment and technology. Don't forget the opportunity to exchange ideas and build relationships that are valuable for collaboration and career advancement. Anything that contributes to a broader knowledge base can have a positive effect on the quality of care and is therefore important to us," said Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir, CEO of SAk.

You can access the Nursing 2023 conference publication here (Icelandic).