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28th May 2024

SAk's outstanding staff received an incentive award

Five categories with reference to SAk's validity.

Incentive Award 2024

At the annual meeting of SAk, which took place on Friday 24 May, the SAk incentive award was awarded for the first time in five categories, where the employees nominated their coworkers . The five categories are safety, cooperation, progressiveness, professionalism and our workplace. The categories are in line with the values and policies of SAk. The winners of the SAk motivational prize 2024 are:

For the category of safety - We ensure the safety of patients and staff.

An incentive award in this category goes to staff who are outstanding in safety and quality work.

  • Rut Guðbrandsdóttir infection control manager.

  • Birgitta Níelsdóttir midwife.

The following were also nominated: Helgi Haraldsson, Jóna Valdís Ólafsdóttir and Stefán Helgi Garðarsson.

Cooperation - We work as one team, within departments, managers and employees of SAk.

This category recognizes employees who demonstrate outstanding results in teamwork. Special attention is paid to conduct, organization and information.

  • Stefán Helgi Garðarsson team manager of the hospital housekeeping.

The following were also nominated: Áslaug Felixdóttir, Hafrún Lilja Halldórsdóttir, Hilda Hólm Árnadóttir and Karl Ólafur Hinriksson.

Progress (development) - We are constantly reforming and utilising evidence-based knowledge and relevant technologies.

An incentive award for progress (development) is awarded to staff who have contributed to progress in the hospital. This can include introducing new knowledge, promoting new or changed use of technology or promoting research that is conducive to improving treatment and service for patients.

  • Barbara Arna Hjálmarsdóttir health information manager.

The following were also nominated: Bjarki Sigurður Karlsson, Elvar Örn Birgisson, Friðbjörn Sigurðsson and the managers at Kristnes.

Professionalism (professional) - We have professionalism as our guiding principle in all our work.

The motivational prize for professionalism is aimed at staff who are particularly committed to professional practice, whether in clinical or other work within the hospital.

  • Barbara Arna Hjálmarsdóttir Health Data.

The following were also nominated: Brynja Dröfn Tryggvadóttir, Emilía Fönn Andradóttir, Eygló Brynja Björnsdóttir, Hafdís Sif Hafþórsdóttir, Ingunn Högnadóttir, Jón G. Knudsen, Ólafur Ingimarsson, Rut Guðbrandsdóttir and Stefán Helgi Garðarsson.

Our workplace - Keeping SAk operations operating requires countless arrests and employees of SAk are used to dealing with workloads and demands.

We all know that in the face of all the daily, seasonal and unexpected challenges, having good colleagues is invaluable.

This incentive award goes to employees who make their workdays better, promote the workplace culture and help us keep it all going when it comes down to it.

  • Karl Ólafur Hinriksson team manager of housekeeping.

The following were also nominated: Eygló Brynja Björnsdóttir, Guðjón Kristjánsson, Hanna Guðrún Magnúsdóttir, Hilda Hólm Árnadóttir, Jenný Karlsdóttir, Jónas Reynisson, Kristjana Kristjánsdóttir, Central assistance, staff of Kristnesspítali, staff of the pharmaceutical department, Þóra Björg Stefánsdóttir and Þórdís Rósa Sigurðardóttir.

The staff received a rose and a letter of thanks for their hard work.

“We are extremely proud of SAk’s staff and it is really nice to see the wide range of all nominated parties,” said Kristjana Kristjánsdóttir, Head of the Human Resources Department.

The incentive award goes to employees who make every workday better, promote the workplace culture and help keep it all going when it comes down to it.

“It is our hope that with the incentive award we can even better celebrate our hard working staff and draw attention to the excellent work that is being done within SAk,” Kristjana concludes.