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16th January 2024

Program of SAk's Nutrition Day – Save the date!

SAk's Nutrition Day takes place on Wednesday, February 28 between 13 and 16 in Kjarni, SAk meeting room on the 2nd floor of the Akureyri Hospital. The meeting will also be available in Teams. The theme is: ESPEN guidelines – clinical guidelines for hospital nutrition.

SAk's Nutrition Day 2024



Nutrition - Choice of food is an important part of patient care

Áróra Rós Ingadóttir, Head of the Nutrition Clinic at Landspítali University Hospital, Lecturer in Nutrition at the University of Iceland Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition


Dietary foods in SAk

Haukur Geir Gröndal, Head of Kitchen SAk/Berglind Sofía Blanda Clinical Nutritionist at Heilsuvernd/SAk


Pulsed foods and concentrated beverages - why do we need different food textures?

Ingunn Högnadóttir, speech therapist in SAk


Coffee break


The importance of screening for malnutrition

Berglind Soffía Blanda, clinical nutritionist at Heilsuvernd/SAk


Parenteral nutrition - latest guidelines

Sandra Dögg Guðnadóttir, pharmacist and clinical nutritionist at Landspítali University Hospital

15:40 – 15:50

Summary and final words

Moderator: Guðjón Kristjánsson, Chief Physician of Internal Medicine Ward.

Facebook-event here.