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5th December 2023

Prevention Day 2023 – students at Hrafnagilsskóli and Borgarholtsskóli were awarded prizes

On Sunday, 3 December, a ceremony occurred at Bessastaðir, where Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland, presented an award on Prevention Day 2023. Alma D. Möller, the Medical Director of Health and the President, gave a speech.

Lit ISL ENG Stort

The prize game

Students from the schools participating in Prevention Day could participate in the Prevention Day prize game and submit digital material. The topic was supposed to be about the three protective factors they were educated about, and studies have shown that they have a protective effect on children's lives to avoid risky behaviour. These factors are:

  • Spending time with family

  • Participation in organised sport and leisure activities

  • Allowing the brain to develop

A jury comprised of collaborators reviewed the submitted projects, which were 21.

The prize winners for the primary school project are from Hrafnagilsskóli, Emelía Lind Brynjarsdóttir Lyngmo, Sunna Bríet Jónsdóttir and Katrín Eva Arnþórsdóttir.
Video: Tobacco-free teenage life (Icelandic)

Hrafnagilsskóli - Prevention Day 2023

The prize winners for the upper secondary school project are from Borgarholtsskóli, Daníel Orri Gunnarsson, Eybjörg Rós Tryggvadóttir, Snorri Steinn Svanhildarson and Sindri Þór Guðmundsson.
Poster: Spending time with family (Icelandic)

Borgarholtsskóli - Prevention Day 2023

The Directorate of Health is responsible for the project management of the Prevention Day. In addition to the office of the President, the partners are the following: ÍSÍ, UMFÍ, Heimili og skóli, Research and Analysis, Planet Youth, City of Reykjavík, the Association of Local Municipalities in Iceland, Samfés, the Scouts and SAFF.

Further details on the Prevention Day

Ingibjörg Guðmundsdóttir, project manager of Prevention Day