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6th November 2023

Pre-selection for the design of a new inpatient facility - A new building of 9,200 m2 is expected

Nýr Landspítali ohf. (NLSH) has requested applications for the right to participate in a closed tender for the design of new housing for the inpatient unit for the Akureyri Hospital, together with the layout of the site with respect to the flow of patients, visitors and supplies.

This is stated on the tender website of public tenders. It further states:

"The project includes the design of a new building together with the design of the site and involvement in a zoning change.

It is assumed that a new building of 9,200 m2 will be located south of the existing buildings on the site of SAk and connected to the existing premises of SAk. It can be assumed that the existing premises will be changed, for the future, due to the connection to the new building and changes to the access. The new building will take over the existing parking lot on the site and it will be necessary to move the parking lot as well as increase the number of parking spaces, etc. increased building volume on the site.

As part of the design of an inpatient building, consideration must be given to external access, the overall layout and that the use of the buildings is compatible with possible future expansion. This includes patients, emergency responders, staff, visitors and supplies. The procurement process will also take into account the flow within all SAK buildings.

The aim of the tendering process, which begins with this pre-selection, is to select a qualified candidate to take on the planning of the entire SAk area, design and preparation of tender documents for the project Akureyri Hospital, inpatient ward building, design.

After the evaluation of applications for participation, tender documents will be delivered to the 5 most qualified applicants in accordance with the requirements for bidders in these pre-selection documents.

The pre-selection is open to all qualified applicants and is advertised in the European Economic Area according to paragraph 4. Article 23 Act on public procurement no. 120/2016. After pre-selection there will be seleced five (5) companies from qualified applicants to participate in a closed tender.

Applicants who intend to jointly support an offer are not permitted to establish a separate company (joint venture) around the project, except that those who stand behind the company must be jointly responsible for the performance of the contract. Several companies are allowed to submit an offer or notice of participation jointly, since they are then considered to be jointly responsible for the performance of the contract."

Text from here (Icelandic only).