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17th July 2024

Our scientists - Þórhalla Sigurðardóttir

The positions at the School of Education and Science are intended for permanently employed staff in higher education who reduce their work due to scientific work. This summer we plan to learn about researchers in these positions and their projects. Now it is time for Þórhalla Sigurðardóttir, an expert in emergency nursing and an associate professor at the Faculty of Health, Business and Sciences at the University of Akureyri.

Þórhalla Sigurðardóttir - Our scientists

Status of education:

Preparation for a doctorate at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Learning, Management, Information and Ethics.

Name and objective of the research project:

Simulation-based learning for nursing students.

The aim is to improve simulation instruction and clinical skills of nursing students. With simulation instruction it is possible to increase patient safety, but nursing students solve cases in field conditions under strong guidance of simulation teachers. It is necessary that teachers seek innovative ways to increase nursing students’ knowledge in an increasingly complex work environment. In simulation instruction it is permissible to make mistakes and they are welcome. Understanding of all the roles that accompany nursing can be trained such as critical thinking, clinical skills and decision making.


Dr. Katri Manninen, Dr. Klas Karlgren and Dr. Hugrún Ösp Egilsdóttir.

Why is your research important?

It is important to practice decision-making and clinical skills in a safe environment. Studies have shown that the self-confidence and safety of nursing students increases when participating in simulated teaching. It has been a challenge to get teaching in clinical skills in a practical program, simulated teaching can increase the experience of students and strengthen them in their work as future nurses.

How has SAk supported you in your scientific work?

I have both received a grant from the Science Fund of SAk and been studying at the Department of Education and Science. I have therefore been able to prepare for my planned doctoral studies as well as doing research and publishing articles in the name of the Akureyri Hospital. I would like to express my appreciation for the support I have received, it is a good feeling to feel support from your employers.

Recent articles:

I am the co-author of two articles published this year, the first of which was published in January in the Nordic-Mediterranean journal and is entitled: Health Locus of Control and Psychological and Somatization Disorder in Icelandic Outpatients with Cancer: A quantitative study. More here.

The second article is accepted for publication in the Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences and is entitled: Stress, Burnout and coping amongst nurses working on acute medical wards and in the community: A quantitative study.

The study places at the Faculty of Education and Science are for permanent students in higher education who are reduced in their work due to scientific work. In the coming weeks we will learn about these researchers and their projects.