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The Í App

14th November 2022

This news article is more than a year old

Newsletter November 2022

Newsletter from Digital Iceland for November 2022.

anaegja m islandisokt 2022

Great satisfaction with Í

According to a recent survey, the digital journey and development of digital solutions align with the will and expectations of Icelanders.

When developing new products and services, it is important to monitor the user experience. Digital Iceland has been working towards improving information and digital public services. There are various ways to follow up on the fact that it is improving the experience.

Recently, Gallup conducted an internet survey, where the use and attitude of Í, Digital Mailbox and My pages of Í were examined.

Overall, knowledge, usage, and satisfaction measure very high in all groups, regardless of age, residence, education, or income. The answers indicate that the digital journey of government is on the right path and in line with the will and expectations of the Icelandic people.

Read more about the survey

Everything about your vehicles on My Pages Í

A new feature in My pages is the category "Vehicle," which is a part of transporting the services of the Icelandic Transport Agency to My pages Í Under "Vehicle," people can view the ownership status of vehicles, view vehicle records, view their vehicle history, and the ownership record of a car.

Vehicle on My pages Í

Guardians can now apply for a parking card for children

Additional service has been added to the physically handicapped parking card (P-card), which now allows custodians to digitally apply for a children's parking card.

Digital licenses are increasing

The digital driving license was presented with a bang in the spring of 2020. Now the number of certificates has increased, and more are being processed.

More on digital licenses

New life event on transport

Life events in Í continually being added where the purpose is to gather information related to life events and get people directly to the material they are searching for.

Life event transport on Í

Scanner for license

The Í app contains a scanner that can be used to scan digital driving licenses. Thus it is possible to check, in a simple manner, whether a valid certificate is involved.

Watch video in Icelandic

Welcome to the National Electoral Board

The National Election Board has moved its website to Í The agency is the sixth to move its website to Í, and another nineteen have already begun their relocation preparations.

National Electoral Board

Data security classification

Work on the security classification of the state's data has now been completed. The work aims to guide institutions and ensure the security of information of individuals and companies, which the state is obliged to keep.

Amongst current projects at Digital Iceland are:

  • Your passport - publishing information on My pages at Í and in the Í app

  • Digital passport application

  • Authentification for agencies

  • Order vehicle registration number

  • Overview of driving training in the Mines and Road Studies section of Iceland.

  • Renewal of driving licenses

  • Registration of the supervisor for practice driving

  • Electronic inheritance report

  • Electronic registrations of real estate deeds

  • Electronic registration of real estate purchase contracts

  • Mortgage estate exchange order

  • Request for the survey of marriage conditions

  • Displaying vehicles and real estate in Í app

  • Publication of graduation documents from the University of Iceland

  • Application for operating licenses for restaurants and tourist accommodation establishments

  • Driving time records of driving instructors

  • Home ownership open for deployment overview 2022

  • Electronic submission of annual financial statements to the National Audit Office

  • Two-year digital roadmap for municipals

  • Financial assistance from the Icelandic

  • The website of the Directorate of Health in Í

  • The website of the Suðurlands Healthcare Authority to Í

  • Fiskistofa website to Í

  • The website of Rikiskaup to Í


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