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4th May 2022

Newsletter May 2022

Newsletter of Digital Iceland May 2022.

GovJam workshop, 17 May - sign up!

Digital Iceland is one of the sponsors this year, as innovation is at the core of everything we do.

On the day of official innovation on 17 May, Digital Iceland will host a GovJam workshop where we encourage people to become involved in improving public services through digital solutions. Public services are important to all of us and now the public has an opportunity to share ideas with us that simplify our lives. We that live and work in Iceland know best where opportunities lie and Digital Iceland wants to find where we can do the most good. Specialists from Digital Iceland will be at participants' service throughout the day, helping participants develop their ideas. Good ideas will be on the digital Iceland priority list.

Individuals and groups are welcome, all that is needed is the will to simplify our lives through improved public services. Do you see opportunities for improvement that you want to put on the Digital Iceland to-do list?

  • GovJam workshop Í

  • May 17th from 9-16

  • Gróska

Gov Jam scheduled for 17 May 2022

  • 9:00-10:00 Group development

  • 10:00-12:00 Group work

  • 12:00-12:45 Noon break

  • 13:00 - 15:00 Group work & preparation for presentations

  • 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break

  • 15:30-16:30 Presentations

  • 16:30 - 18:00 Light refreshments at end of day

Tengjum ríkið conference will be held on September 8th 2022.

The conference will now be held for the third time, which will review all the latest developments in the digital transformation of the Icelandic government. The conference is open to all. Take the day out! project of the year!

The Icelandic Web Awards 2021 took place last month, where Í and Mínar Síður Í won awards and also received special recognition for accessibility.

Mortgage certificates are now digital

District Commissioners continue to digitise their services, but now mortgage certificates for real estate can be retrieved through a digital application on Í at any time of the day.

Enhanced services to individuals!

My pages at Í are constantly evolving and now individuals can have more control over their own data with increased access control, e.g. individuals may confer powers of atterney on others.

Digital application for P-cards

Persons with reduced mobility may be entitled to a parking card (P-sign) for persons with reduced mobility, in order to park in a specially marked outdoor parking space (P-park) which should be near places of access for persons to receive services, such as public institutions and shops.

Operation licenses are available online

It is simple now to look up those operators with active licenses. The District Commissioners have coordinated databases for individual licenses between agencies.

New people at the Digital Iceland team!

Digital Iceland strenghens its internal team and welcomes four new employees.

  • Kjartan Dige Baldursson Chief Financial Officer

  • Kolbrún Eir Óskarsdóttir Project Manager

  • Kristján Fridriksson Head of Operations and Security

  • Ragnhildur Helga Ragnarsdóttir Product Manager

We welcome our new team members who are an important part of strengthening the digital journey of government.

Meet the Digital Iceland Team

Amongst the projects in digital Iceland these days are:

  • Icelandic Health Insurance website

  • Your passport - publishing information on Í and in an app

  • Digital passport application

  • Electronic registration of creditors

  • Electronic registration of title waived

  • Log on to My Pages for companies

  • Log on to May Pages for children

  • Agency-wide system

  • My pages - passport display

  • My pages - Displaying vehicles

  • Immigration and Asylum Appeals website

  • Digital payment plans

  • Digital application for driving licenses and renewals

  • Electronic submission of annual financial statements to the National Audit Office

  • Two-year roadmap for local governmet

  • Application for a general fishing license to the Directorate of Fisheries