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29th August 2024

New reception at entrance D

Patients called to reception D on 0th floor at D entrance.

Reception D

A new reception has been opened on 0th floor at D entrance – previously called K1. The reception is intended for patients of the day- and outpatient internal medicine ward as well as those with an appointment with nutritionists and specialists doctors and nurses.

The changes are part of the improvement of the services of the general ambulatory ward, which will now be divided as follows:

  • Day ward of the internal medicine ward – administrator: Inga Margrét Skúladóttir

    • Reception of day-care patients

    • Endoscopies

    • Emergency internal medicine unit (under development)

  • Ambulatory internal medicine ward – administrator: Þórdís Rósa Sigurðardóttir

    • Reception of specialist doctors for internal medicine

    • Reception of specialist nurses

    • Home care and hospice

  • Day- and outpatient surgery ward – administrator: Þórgunnur Birgisdóttir

    • Wound care

    • Minor procedures

    • Recall of patients who have been treated in the daycare of the ER

    • Reception of surgeons

The operations of the day and outpatient surgery ward will be to the right from entrance C with the exception of the minor procedures room which will remain on the 1st floor of the day and ambulatory internal medicine ward.

SAk' entrances with descriptions