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2nd September 2024

New doctors to work at Kristnesspítali

Specialist in home medicine Kristrún Erla Sigurðardóttir and specialist in geriatric medicine Valgerður Þorsteinsdóttir have been appointed to work within the geriatric medicine team of SAk at Kristnesspítali.

Kristrún Erla Sigurðardóttir specialist in family medicine and Valgerður Þorsteinsdóttir specialist in geriatrics
  • Kristrún is a student from the Akureyri Junior College (MA). She graduated from the University of Iceland in 2013 from medicine and then studied general medicine in both Iceland and Sweden. Kristrún received her specialist license in 2021 and has worked as a general practitioner at HSN in Akureyri since then.

  • Valgerður grew up in Akureyri and studied medicine at the University of Iceland, where she graduated in 2013. Valgerður completed her special education in geriatric medicine in Lund in 2022 and has since worked in the geriatric medicine ward in Malmö and in the hospice department at LSH.

“We are very pleased to have Kristrún and Valgerður on our team and can thus continue to build even better services with the needs of our clients at the forefront at Kristnesspítali,” says Kristín Margrét Gylfadóttir, director of rehabilitation and geriatric medicine services at SAk.

About Kristnes:

Kristnesspítali hospital provides rehabilitation and geriatric medicine services for the Akureyri Hospital. It also has a branch from the Icelandic Health Insurance's Assisted Devices Centre. Kristnesspítali hospital was opened in 1927 and then used as a tuberculosis hospital.

Kristnesspítali is located 10 km south of Akureyri, in the Eyjafjarðarsveit region.