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8th December 2023

Jón Torfi chief physician at HSN Akureyri

The appointment of Jón Torfi Halldórsson as chief physician at the HSN Akureyri has been finalised.

HSN Jon Torfi

Jón Torfi graduated from the University of Iceland in 2000 and completed his specialty training in family medicine in 2009. He has worked at the primary healthcare in Akureyri for the longest period of his career and has been the chief physician of the primary healthcare in Akureyri since 2013.

The healthcare center in Akureyri will move to new premises in Sunnuhlíð in January, and this will greatly improve working conditions and accessibility for the public.

We congratulate Jón Torfi with this position and good luck in working to improve services in the region in cooperation with the institution's powerful staff.