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16th January 2024

HSN in Dalvík received a wireless ultrasound from women's associations in the area

Earlier this year HSN in Dalvík formally received a wireless ultrasound device as a gift from the women's associations Hvöt in Árskógsströnd and Tilraun in Svarfaðardalur.

HSN Dalvik

The ultrasound device is portable and wireless, from Eagle View and can be said to be three devices in one device. The device emits sound waves that detect the resistance and sends video recordings or images directly to a tablet or mobile phone that receives wireless signals from the device.

The device is a revolution for the health center in Dalvík, but there it will be used mostly in prenatal care, among other things to assess the position of the fetus if it is not clear through clinical assessment. It is also possible to detect the heartbeat of the fetus earlier in pregnancy than with the equipment available in the healthcare center. 12-week and 20-week ultrasound examinations will continue to take place in Akureyri. The device can also be used to find fluid accumulation, signs of internal bleeding, gallstones, detect blood vessels to assess the damage in the case of a fracture, and more.

The device is extremely compact and therefore convenient to transport it from place to place in cases where it is required. The device is a welcome addition to the existing equipment and increases the possibility of strengthening services in the local area.

Gifts like these support the important work of the healthcare center, and HSN is extremely grateful to the women's associations.

A story on this was published on Dalvíkurbyggd's website on the 10th of January.

HSN Dalvik