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26th May 2023

HSN in Húsavík was formally handed new gastro-oscopy equipment

At the annual general meeting of the Sponsoring Association for HSN in Þingeyjarsýslur, new gastro-oscopy equipment was formally handed over to HSN in Húsavík.

danni aslaug

The equipment will enable HSN to participate in nationally planned gastric and colon cancer screening programmes. The devices cost 9 million and the association is supported by organisations, individuals and companies in their projects for HSN.

The purpose of the association is to support the operations of HSN in Þingeyjarsýslur through financial contributions to purchase various types of medical equipment and other necessary equipment that improve conditions of patients and their family members.

We are very grateful to the associand all the NGOs that supported the collection effort for the devices.


Here you can see a video clip, in which the Health trio take the song.