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16th October 2023

High level of satisfaction with SAk's services according to the service survey

Every year a service survey among state institutions is conducted. This year Maskína oversaw the survey which was sent out in March, April and May. The number of participants was 4,904 people from all over the country, aged 18 and over. A total of 134 organizations were asked.

Picture of smilies on keypad

The Akureyri hospital does overall good according to this survey and manages to improve in several categories. 92% of the respondents are satisfied with SAk's services. It is an improvement of 0.2 points from the previous year. Regarding the experience with the interface, 95% of respondents thought SAk's service was very good or rather good.

In terms of waiting time and reliability of information, SAk managed to improve by 0.1 points in each question.

Opportunities in self-service

The last question in the survey concerned the service channels, but there are still unused opportunities at SAk. This includes self-service but also online chat or instant messaging. For this reason, telephone and e-mail are still the largest part of the service channels - in addition to attending the site.

"We can be very proud of our level of service and we are within the set standards in terms of waiting time for a doctor in the emergency ward, but we are still working on waiting lists. In terms of opportunities for self-service, you need to look at which methods would suit the hospital best, as this is a large part of the modern world. We still need and want to keep the personal relationships that we value so much here at SAk," says Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir, CEO of SAk.

The results of the survey can be accessed here (Icelandic).