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14th March 2024

Have fun together!

The employees of SAk took a skiing course a while ago at the Hospital's invitation. The courses are perfect for shaking the group together and having fun together outside of work.

cross-country skiing course

“It’s important to change your surroundings and get to know your colleagues in a different way. That’s why we’re doing the cross-country skiing course; we’ll try to host events like this every year,” says Erla Björnsdóttir, Director of Human Resources and one of the instructors at the cross-country skiing course.

The courses took place at Hamrar by Kjarnaskógur and then on a hiking trail up in Hlíðarfjall. Instructors were Erla, Arnaldur Haraldsson, electrical engineer in the technical department and Bernard Gerritsma, department head of the psychiatric ward.