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28th February 2024

Harpa Snædal appointed chief physician of medical students

Harpa Snædal, a obstetrician and gynecologist at SAk, has been appointed head of medical students at SAk.

Harpa Snædal, obstetrician and gynaecologist, chief of medical students

The tasks were previously in the hands of the head of the department of education and science, but with this change, staff matters and the training of the junior doctors will be separated and thus the junior doctors will receive better support in their studies and work.

The tasks of the chief medical officer include:

  • Takes part in planning the staffing model for junior doctors at the hospital and has an overview of the staffing-year in consultation with the shift plan project manager, supervising ward doctors and the staff of the education and science department.

  • Changes to the shift plan at short notice, e.g. due to illness or personal injury in cooperation with the shift plan project manager, senior doctors and supervising ward doctors.

  • Management of improvement projects.

  • Mentoring of junior doctors on the payroll who are not in a structured study program.

The Department of Education and Science will continue to oversee the professional part and the training of junior doctors, ie. cooperation agreements with other institutions and universities, cooperation on special studies/special study basis and organization of blocks and reception. The department also continues to oversee teaching, educational, scientific and quality issues for student doctors, as well as continuing to work on the organization of promotions and recruitment of student doctors in consultation with senior doctors.

About 25 junior doctors work at the Akureyri hospital, making it the largest medical unit in the hospital.