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24th May 2024

Happy working with my mom

The annual meeting of SAk, which took place today, honored staff who leave their positions due to retirement. These were in total 10 people, many of whom have worked at the hospital for a number of years.

Honored staff at the 2024 annual meeting

“It was fun to chair an annual meeting where my mother was honored for her hard work in the hospital’s interests. We even worked together in the surgery and after my special training, which was extremely satisfying and rewarding for both of us,” Helgi Þór Leifsson, meeting leader and manager of clinical services, said.

The Akureyri Hospital values all its staff and in the last year support for the staff has been a priority. “We implemented the welfare-square (Velferðartorg) and are, like so many other healthcare institutions, facing great challenges in managing staff, the more important it is for us to thank our dedicated staff for their hard work before they start new adventures in their best years,” said Hulda S. Ringsted, Director of Nursing.

The staff received a beautiful card from Vorhús, as well as a small certificate of appreciation in the form of a gift note and a cash voucher.

Those honored were:

  • Bryndís Reynisdóttir, emergency room

  • Auður Helga Hjaltadóttir, office of finance

  • María Þórðardóttir, hospital cleaning service

  • Elísabet Gestsdóttir, warehouse

  • Margrét Sigtryggsdóttir, hospital cleaning service

  • Björg Brynjólfsdóttir, clinical laboratory

  • Vinbjörg Ásta Guðlaugsdóttir, physiotherapy

  • Fanney Friðriksdóttir, pharmaceutical services

  • Guðrún Bjarney Leifsdóttir, clinical laboratory

  • Hjördís Gunnarsdóttir, clinical laboratory

The Akureyri Hospital thanks these individuals very much for your hard work in the hospital’s interests and wishes all the departing staff all the best in their new life.