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6th March 2024

GEV develops guidelines for municipal self-regulation of housing services

It has been decided to use the results of the research on housing assistance for disabled people to strengthen the internal supervision of the municipalities.

The Gender and Supervisory Authority of Welfare (GEV) has been conducting research on two housing programs for disabled people, one in Reykjavík and one in Seltjarnarnes. The results are in large part in accordance with previous research on other housing programs by Gender and Supervisory Authority of Social Services and Child Protection.

It is clear that it is warranted to examine the implementation of various legal obligations in the service of disabled people living in special housing arrangements, including internal control, incident registration, notification of serious unexpected incidents, individualized service plans, personal advocates and measures to reduce the use of forced service. For this reason, GEV will initiate an initiative study on the service of disabled people living in special housing arrangements, based on Article 14 of Act No. 88/2021 on Quality and Supervisory Authority of Welfare (GEV Act).

It has been decided to use this GEV initiative study to strengthen the internal control of the municipalities, while the obligation of service providers to implement internal control is addressed in Article 11 of the GEV Act. There has been a call for guidance from GEV to the municipalities on implementing internal control. GEV is therefore currently working on developing checklists and guidelines in consultation with representatives of Geðhjálp, Þroskahjálp and two municipalities. When the guidance material is complete, GEV will send it to the municipalities of the country, which will take out their own housing resources under the supervision of the institution. The municipalities shall then send their findings to GEV, along with a timetable for improvements on the issues that need to be improved. If the occasion arises, GEV will submit further recommendations for improvements and improvements will be followed until they are considered satisfactory.