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6th March 2023

Exchange market with catch quota - offers wanted

The exchange market for catch quota is open from 6th to 7th of March.

fishing net

The exchange market opens today, Monday the 6th of March 2023 at 14:00 o'clock but closes on Tuesday the 7th of March 2023 at 14:00 o'clock.

When evaluating bids, the average price of the catch limit for the last month is 435.37 kr/kg for cod. Exchange can be made for the following type for the cod catch limit:









Exchange request is sent through UGGA. The exchange market can be found under Applications/Services. Confirmation is sent automatically about the receipt of exchange request. Applicants may withdraw/withdraw request exchange, but it is stated that withdrawal of a request for exchange after the exchange deadline is not permitted.

  • There is no minimum offer required.

  • Each allocation of exhange is ISK 14,000. According to the service fees of the Directorate of Fisheries.

  • Please introduce yourself to the regulation for the exchange market.