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1st January 2023

Estimated publication of a report on the treatment center in Varpholt and Laugaland

The Quality and Control Institute for Welfare (GEV) will in mid-September n.k. publish a report on the institute's survey of the treatment home in Varpholt and Laugalandi in the years 1997-2007.

News image GEV

This is an extensive and sensitive project that has been carried out by a 4-member committee of special births in the professional field. The committee's work has been steady and purposeful, and the report is now being finalized by the Quality and Monitoring Agency for Welfare. The organization emphasizes publishing the report in its entirety, with the exception of personally identifiable information and sensitive information concerning private interests. In total, the report is more than 200 pages long.

The reason for the report is that the then Minister of Social Affairs and Children's Affairs entrusted the then Quality and Monitoring Agency for Social Services and Child Protection (GEF) "to investigate whether and to what extent children who were kept at the treatment home Varpholti/Laugalandi between 1997 and 2007 were ill-treated , mental or physical abuse during their stay". The reason for the request are accusations of this kind by women who were kept by the child protection authorities for a longer or shorter time in the treatment home during the specified period, and they are directed specifically at the operators of the home.

The report will be published publicly on GEV's website at the same time it is delivered to the Minister of Children and Education and the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Market.