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12th February 2024

Educational meeting 26 February on old-age pensions

TR is offering an educational meeting on Monday 26 February at 16.00– 18.00 in Hlíðasmára 11 on old age pensions. At the meeting, everything concerning applications for old age pensions from TR, payment arrangements and other matters will be reviewed.

Gardening woman TR

Unnur Kristín Sigurgeirsdóttir, project manager for the old age pension at TR presents the application process and the framework for the payment of old age pensions at TR. At the meeting, we will present a good roadmap for those who are considering retirement. This does not have to be complicated and it is therefore ideal to come and look into the matter.

We encourage all those who consider themselves in need of information on the social security old-age pension system to attend.

The meeting provides a good time to ask questions and get good information about the social security pension.

In March, the same educational programme is planned to be streamed and advertised later.