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12th November 2023

Drone ban near Grindavík

Due to a possible volcanic eruption near the town of Grindavík on the Reykjanes Peninsula of Iceland a ban on drone flights in the vicinity of the town has been issued by the Police Commissioner of Suðurnes. The ban has already come into effect and will be valid till midnight on November 29th, 2023.

Drone ban near Grindavik

Due to a possible volcanic eruption near the town of Grindavík on the Reykjanes Peninsula of Iceland a ban on drone flights in the vicinity of the town has been issued by the Police Commissioner in Suðurnes. The coordinates of the prohibited area are as follows:

According to information from the Police Commissioner in Suðurnes, drone flights are prohibited in the area to ensure safety and possible immediate scientific flights, as well as other urgent measures that may need to be taken at short notice. The ban is imposed with reference to Article 12 in Regulation No. 990/2017.

The National Police Commissioner´s Office and The Icelandic Coast Guard are exempted from the drone ban. The ban has already come into effect and will be valid till midnight on November 29th, 2023.