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17th July 2024

Development of day and outpatient services at the general outpatient clinic SAk

The activity is growing constantly.

General ambulatory ward

For some time, improvements have been made to the service of the general ambulatory ward of the Hospital in Akureyri to accommodate the rapidly expanding activities of the ward. This is backed by extensive analytical work done by project groups and in workshops. The changes that are currently underway are the most urgent, but later on more changes will take place.

“Activities in the general ambulatory ward have been growing constantly and we consider it a natural development to meet these changes and thus help to ensure that the right services are provided in the right location. This is helping to reduce the number of admissions to the hospital’s surgical ward and internal medicine ward,” says CEO of SAk Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir.

The changes will take effect on 15 August and are as follows:

The general ambulatory ward will divided in three sections.

Day ward of the ambulatory ward - director: Inga Margrét Skúladóttir

  • Reception of day-ward patients

  • Medical mirroring

  • Emergency internal medicine unit (under development)

Outpatient ambulatory ward - administrator: Þórdís Rósa Sigurðardóttir

  • Reception of specialists in internal medicine

  • Specialized nursing

  • Palliative care centre

The day- and outpatient ward of the internal medicine ward will continue to operate mostly on the 1st floor, but reception will be in K1 (entrance D).

Day and outpatient surgery ward – Director: Þórgunnur Birgisdóttir

  • Wound care

  • Minor procedures

  • Return patients from the ER.

  • Reception of specialists in surgery

The operations of the day and outpatient surgery ward will be located behind the reception of the ER (entrance C) with the exception of the minor-surgery room which will remain on the 1st floor of the day and outpatient internal medicine ward.