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31st October 2023

Cyclist of the Year at Akureyri's Cycling Association, is the team manager of the SAk's technical department

At the Akureyri Hospital the staff is excellent. Therefore, it should not be surprising that many of them also excel in other areas. This is exactly the situation with Stefán Helgi Garðarsson, team manager of the technical department. He recently received the HFA's Cyclist of the Year award.

Stefán Helgi Garðarsson

Name: Stefán Helgi Garðarsson

Job title: Team leader, technical department

Year of birth: 1976

Where are you from: Húsavík

Education: Master electrician

Hobbies: Cycling

What were you in a past life: Don't believe in a past life or an afterlife, just want to make the most of what I'm living now.

Fun fact: I tend to make miserable New Year's resolutions. This year I decided to stop eating sweets.

What does a typical working day look like for you? At the beginning of the day, the team members and I look at what new work orders have come in and divide the work between us. I try to get to the tasks that are waiting for me but usually I get a call about something that needs to be solved right away and before I know it the day is over and I've answered 30 calls and solved some unexpected tasks with my great teammates. Then there are quiet days in between when we manage to carry out preventive tasks, manage to meet and give advice to other departments. Every day is fun and there is always something new, exciting and challenging to deal with in the technical department.

What is the most challenging thing at work? Keeping focus when you have many tasks going on at once and the stress is high.

If you could change anything at work, what would it be? Improve the facilities of the technical department and housekeeping so that our activities would not be in the corridors of the hospital, which poses a danger to patients and relatives.

What is the most fun at work? I enjoy working to improve the work of others by introducing new and better equipment for staff and patients - as well as enjoying solving difficult tasks such as complex equipment failures (especially afterwards).