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10th June 2022

COVID-19 status

The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths has decreased worldwide. Testing for COVID-19 has also declined considerably. There is still a declared pandemic.

COVID-19 illness

The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths has decreased worldwide. Testing for COVID-19 has also declined considerably. There is still a declared pandemic.

In Iceland, about half of the population has been officially diagnosed with COVID-19, although it is likely that many more people have been infected. No increase in re-infections has been observed. In recent days, the number of cases has been increasing and now between 150–200 individuals have been diagnosed daily. The percentage of positive samples has remained constant in the last few weeks, though, by 7–10%, which indicates how many people who undergo tests are diagnosed with the disease. Thus, the increase in cases could partly be explained by the increase in samples. Most cases detected are the non-micon strain BA. 2 but the variant BA is also detected. 5.

An increase in the number of visits to outpatients in high-risk groups with COVID-19 in the outpatient department of Landspítali for the administration of fluids and drugs has been observed and eight people are currently inpatients with COVID-19, one of whom is in intensive care.

Fourth injection

The Chief Epidemiologist encourages everyone to accept vaccination against COVID-19. Everyone aged 16 or over should have had three injections. A fourth injection should be given to everyone aged 80 years and older, all the residents of nursing homes and anyone with pre-existing risk factors. Other parties may also request a fourth injection. A fourth injection may be given four months after the third injection, but it is recommended to wait at least three months after contracting a COVID-19 infection to receive the vaccination. Studies have repeatedly shown the benefits of vaccination in terms of protecting against severe illness and death. The side effects of vaccination are much less than the side effects and consequences of COVID-19 disease.

Infection prevention

All are encouraged to take care of personal infection prevention measures to prevent COVID-19 and other infections:

  • Performing hand cleaning

  • Respect closeness with others

  • Coughing and sneezing in the cloth or elbow patch

  • Air well

  • Wearing a face mask in certain situations

  • To undergo sampling if symptoms of disease

The Chief Epidemiologist