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19th May 2023

Cooperation between GEV and the Ombudsman for Children

This week, Salvör Norðdal, the Ombudsman for Children, and Herdís Gunnarsdóttir, the director of the Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority, met with experts from both institutions.

Salvör og Herdís

This week, Salvör Norðdal, the Ombudsman for Children, and Herdís Gunnarsdóttir, the director of the Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority, met with experts from both institutions.

The purpose of the meeting was to review the role and objectives of the institutions. At the same time, common issues pertaining to ensuring the rights of children and the safety and quality of welfare services for children and adolescents in Iceland were discussed and discussed.

The meeting was particularly enjoyable and useful and is a desire to further strengthen cooperation and cooperation between the institutions for the benefit of children and families. Large projects lie ahead, for example, in the preparation of quality standards in welfare services and cooperation in this field will be called for in the coming autumn semester.