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19th January 2024

Contracts for staffing

The Akureyri hospital has concluded an agreement with Heilsuvernd to take care of the replacement and staffing of one doctor at the SAk emergency room on weekends and at a defined time one to two weekends a month. The agreement has already entered into force.

View at SAk from the air

The aim is to have a fixed group of experienced doctors or specialists in family medicine from Heilsuvernd who come regularly to work at SAk. It is also planned to further strengthen the staffing with specialist doctors in the emergency room in the coming weeks.

An agreement has also been concluded with the Capital Region's Health Care (Heilsugæsla höfuðborgarsvæðisins) for the services of experts in psychiatry 1-2 weeks a month. In addition, a specialist in psychiatry has been hired on a part-time basis and has already started work.