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25th September 2023

Award for excellent teaching at SAk

The results of a survey among students form the basis of the award

Teaching award

At SAk's Science Day that took place last week, prizes were awarded for excellent teaching at SAk.

Outstanding teacher in nursing subjects:

  • Ragna Sigurlín Jónsdóttir, nurse and clinical teacher at the internal medicine ward

Choice of medical students:

  • Helgi Þór Leifsson, surgeon and director of clinical services

Choice of specialist primary care doctors and specialist doctors:

  • Friðbjörn Sigurðsson, specialist in oncology

"Every year we put a survey to trainees and student doctors about the situation at SAk. It asks about reception, teaching and learning opportunities at the hospital. We use the results to ensure that the practical teaching and study conditions at SAk contribute to successful learning and make SAk a popular place to study," says Laufey Hrólfsdóttir, director of the Faculty of Education and Science.

Overall, the anesthesiology department excelled in teaching in the opinion of the nursing students, while the medical students chose the surgery department.

One of the main functions of the Education and Science Department of SAk is to manage the organization and reception of trainees. During the year, 744 trainee weeks were registered for undergraduate studies in health subjects, which corresponds to an average of 14-15 trainees per week on an annual basis. In addition, there are 25 full-time study doctors, i.e. specialist primary care doctors and specialist doctors.

You can read more about the Department of Education and Science here.